Instant Insights

Real-time 24/7 market news incorporated in a simple searchable interface.

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How it works

This easy to dip into resource provides minute-by-minute updates on all news and available information that is relevant to the commodities markets, from UK power stack and gas flow updates to generation outages and other relevant news.

This information is provided in short succinct snapshots that allow maximum impact without distracting you from your busy day.

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What are the benefits?

Unify Saves Time

Saves time

Provides news updates for appropriate market related news without organisations needing to trawl the internet

Unify Easy Searching

Easy Searching

Using #hashtags the news items can be easily searched for relevant current events or trends

Unify 24 7 Updates

24/7 Updates

Commodity news flows 24/7 from all over the world. Instant Insights never sleeps and provides this information as it happens

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Discover the benefits of Instant Insights today

Our experts are happy to provide a free demonstration of Instant Insights to highlight the benefits it could bring to your business.

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